Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shattering Screenshots

So, I spent the later half of the day today running around Azeroth, checking out the sights and grabbing some screenshots for the lovely Rhoelyn. 5 screenshots where needed, 50+ were taken. People have asked to see more so I figured I'd pop out a few that didn’t quite make the cut ^_^

Enjoy the breaking of the game.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pnut Quickies 3– This Time With Bug Features ;)

You ever have one of those days where you quickly wonder what you drank last? I had one of those days today. We took a group to heroic Blood Princes, and everything started out as normal. Until this happened…
So, if you didn’t notice, or don’t know the fight, those Kinetic Bombs are supposed to just be going up and down, not going through walls and under the floor. Soo much win ^_^… And yes, we did down them Winking smile

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

4.0.3 Madness ;)

So, according to MMO-Champion, if everything goes to plan, 4.0.3 will be coming out tomorrow. This is not the one that blows up the world, but this is the one that sets everything in motion. This makes me think Deathwing is about to start doing his flying around nuking everything in sight thing. If this is true, its time to grab my fishing pole and start hanging out in Goldshire :3.

Also.. phase 4 started today and man... its rather epic
yeah… Open-mouthed smile

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pnut Quickies 2

So I AM still around, its just been really, really crazy lately. I’ve had literally zero time to just sit down and relax, much less blog. But I am here now, and I have a few minutes before the raid, so here is a quickie.

As some of you may know, Tuesday I went into surgery to take care of a nasty case of sinusitis. As an update for the group of friends and family that is following my blog for that reason, went better than was was expected, and I am recovering well. I’ve spent a few days sleeping around the house getting all nice and strong again, and went back to work for the first time today. I am feeling much better, and I am looking forward to meeting with you all down the road to talk about it more.

There has been a lot of things being leaked, released, shown off, and exposed from the expansion that are really quite amazing… One of those being the boomchicken pet. Oh man, if they dance… I’m probably going to be the first ones on my server to have one ;). On top of that, I dont know if you remember that add-on that used to be on curse that changed the game music when you rode on a chocobo mount… Im totally going to make one that starts off the old school batman music for the troll flight forms. :D.

Last but not least, I want welcome all the new viewers… Feel free to make comments and leave notes… and I will answer them as I can get to them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Pnut Quickie

So I thought I would post a rather amusing picture I drew in about 5 seconds that lays out the way we set up for phase 2 on the 10 man Litch King. After I posted it on our guild forums... a few people started dubbing it, "The Rage Donut."

A few things to point out... "Cactus" is a warlock, and the bottom defile is usually on-top of the portal... I just didn't want to cover up my lovely portal design :3.

(I do usually draw better than this *wink*)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Update and getting something off my chest

Ok so, the Vuhdo guide is still a work in progress, *blush.* I've taken a lot of screen shots and a few videos, now Im just going through and cleaning them all up. I hope to have part 1 up tomorrow sometime... hopefully....

Anyways, I have to get something off my chest. I am all for raids being social and fun, and we all raid to have a good time. But theres a time and a place for everything. One of those being talking on vent / mumble / teamspeak... whatever. I am guilty of this too, but when we are doing a new heroic boss, new content, or something that the raid needs to concentrate on... Please... don't congest the chat with twittering.

Lets face it... you could have been through a long day and need to vent about it a bit. Thats cool, but when your talking while important information is being yelled out, the other 8 of us or 23 of us can only hear "wargarblargbl," and it ends up wiping the raid.

So please.... have a heart. This little tree just wants to kill the Litch King a second time before the expansion hits, let the happy apple pie be happy once again.

(vvv Happy Apple Pie vvv)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm still alive :) and starting a VuhDo how-to series

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I have been pretty sick the last few days and I am still just getting over it. Now I was pretty dead empty on what I wanted to post next, but thanks to a quick chat with Keeva, I believe a small series on customizing VuhDo is in order.

You can get VuhDo from Curse or WoW Interface, and their homepage has some really epic resources on how to get started as well.

If you don't know what VuhDo is, I like to describe it as a "Clique-ie, Grid sammich with some Healbot toppings." If I haven't lost you yet; its an add-on that kind of takes the best parts of Grid, Healbot, Clique and others, then puts them together in a pretty brilliant setup.

The great news about it, is that it can be as basic or as advanced as you want it to be. Its ready to go out of the box, but there are some great features you can enable from the GUI (i.e. cool-down timers / bars, GCD timer, De-spell / Buffing options, etc.) that will really help you get the best bang for the buck with your hps. All that will be discussed later.

Anyways, stay tuned, while I cook some stuff up and give you a nice picture by picture guide on all the stuff you need to know.

Also, while Im doing this, if you happen to stumble upon my blog and have any requests on what you would like to see from this "guide" be sure to leave a comment, or contact me.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

HoL bug ;)

So yeah, heres a quickie...
its my first time doing HoL since patch and yeah... theres alot of death buggings in there

Why I love the druid even more

Before I get into anything, somebody posted a script on our forums to add and remove tool tips. I BELIEVE know he got this from the WoW forums, but I'm not 100% sure and will definitely ask next time I see him so I can give credit for the quote.
If you are like me and your game freezes solid when somebody either makes a food table, a fish feast, or what ever else, this is a sure fire way to get you past that.
Granted when you have the tool tips off, if something is linked your not going to be able to see it (cool tip here... don't be like me... have them turned on when loot is handed out during raids >.>)
Once again copied verbatim from our guild forums and source will be linked just as soon as I find out who called it.. (*** UPDATE*** I found the source here... BIG kudos to Deyneth from Wyrmrest Accord)

-Turn Off Tooltips
/script GameTooltip.Temphide = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Temphide);

-Turn On Tooltips

/script GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Show);

Anyways, tonight was my first raid since the patch, and thanks to all the changes, its fun again. Its no longer a "whack-a-mole" game as a lot of people have put it, because it has started to mirror the healing roots from back in the day. It took me a good part of the night to get out of old "blanket the raid" play style and try to find my new flow.

Here are some things that I may be doing wrong, but helped the situation.
My guild is really notorious about killing things in a different way, which is not always a bad thing, but it leads to some really interesting decisions. Alot of the stuff that I did / came up with was pretty much all on a spur of the moment trial and error.

Changing Lifebloom targets as the tanks switched.

~The way to tell who the main tank is in our raid, is to see who is taking the most damage. It could switch every 5 seconds, or it could switch every minute. Instead of just keeping Lifebloom on one target for the whole the fight, I would change targets depending on who's getting hurt the most.

Casting Rejuv then do nothing to the tank until he was hurt pretty bad then pop Swiftmend / efflorescence.

~ One of our tanks, is a great player, but he hasn't played the game since before the patch came out and we started out on blood princes. With that said, his agro-holding abilities, were kind of low... which is ok, because of the situation. For most of the time there, it was:
*tank pulls
*tank holds 2 of the bosses and starts taking damage
*druid or pali heals
*said druid or pali is greeted by one of the bosses and gets face nom'd off.

The way I fixed it, was to hold off on healing as much as possible for the first 30 seconds or so, and only heal when he was about to die. This seemed to help balance out healing agro between 3 healers.

Casting all hots and then spamming Regrowth on Dreamwalker.

~This one really felt like it was me getting the best bang for the buck. My raid leader loves to have me take all the portals, so it seems that for the 12 - 15 seconds between portals, I'm really getting more heals off than with nourish.
Now with mastery, it seems that when all the HoTs are on the boss, I should be getting more hps with Nourish, but for some reason spamming regrowth was upping the numbers a bit.

Over all, I feel like I lucked out and druid healing has gotten closer to my heal style, and my effective healing has quite frankly doubled.
I wrote this while it was very late for me. My vision was getting progressively blurred as I went on, and you are probably reading this for the second time because I really meant to hit save instead of publish last night. With that said, if this is hard to follow, I promise to write when I am more awake :3

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blizzcon :(

So this morning when I woke up, I had a choice to make. Either stay at home "sick" to watch Blizzcon, or to go to work, make money and just get updates as it goes. Sadly work found out about the decision somehow... darn you internetz, and so I'm stuck here at work.

GG amirite?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here Comes the Fail :3

So it all starts tomorrow night... the first raid I will have healed since the new patch. Honestly Im excited to see how all the prep work pays out. A guy can only do so much, but those questions just keep running through my head like nobody's business.

“Did I glyph right?”

“Do I have the right rotation planned?”

“Can I still live up to the expectations of the leader because of the changes?”

“Can I explain the difference between the Good goo and the bad goo?”

I can go through and research till the cows come home, but Im a guy that learns by doing... and usually by oopsing. With that said... I have to apologize now to my 10 man team over the fact that there will be a lot of oopsing on my part because of the rotation change and trying to combat the muscle memory of spamming the raid with hots and playing nourish / regrowth guy. I have a lot of gratefulness to the druid community posting blogs and what happens when posts, especially Keeva, who came out with the awesome guide that gives me a lot of the heads up I need to know.

At the same time too, there have been quite a few people in my guild asking me for moonkin help. My heart goes out to you guys, because well... I just haven’t had time to do much of anything with all the stuff that’s happening in RL and trying to get healing down again.

After I raid, I think I can update this blog more often, because I will know whats going on more than the laggie battlegrounds aspect.

So I guess wish me luck and I hope to update this more often than what I have in the past.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

4.01 Gem Conversions

So I was going through my blog roll today and I find this really great post from Revive & Rejuvenate Talking about what happens to gems when the patch drops next week possibly. She also included a table that just lays everything out brilliantly

Source: Gem Conversions for 4.0.1


Current Stats


Will Convert To

New Stats


Bold Cardinal Ruby

+20 Strength

no change

Bold Cardinal Ruby

Bright Cardinal Ruby

+40 Attack Power


Bold Cardinal Ruby or Delicate Cardinal Ruby

20 Agility or 20 Strength

Delicate Cardinal Ruby

+20 Agility

no change

Delicate Cardinal Ruby

Flashing Cardinal Ruby

+20 Parry Rating

no change

Flashing Cardinal Ruby

Fractured Cardinal Ruby

+20 Armor Penetration Rating


Smooth King's Amber

20 Crit Rating

Precise Cardinal Ruby

+20 Expertise Rating

no change

Precise Cardinal Ruby

Runed Cardinal Ruby

+23 Spell Power


Brilliant Cardinal Ruby

20 Intellect

Subtle Cardinal Ruby

+20 Dodge Rating


Subtle King's Amber

20 Dodge Rating

Brilliant Cardinal Ruby


Brilliant Cardinal Ruby

20 Intellect


Accurate Ametrine

+10 Expertise Rating


Accurate Dreadstone

+10 Hit Rating

Champion's Ametrine

+10 Strength


Champion's Ametrine

10 Strength

+10 Defense Rating

10 Dodge

Deadly Ametrine

+10 Agility

no change

Deady Ametrine

+10 Critical Strike Rating

Deft Ametrine

+10 Agility

no change

Deft Ametrine

+10 Haste Rating

Durable Ametrine

+12 Spell Power


Wilful Ametrine

10 Intellect

+10 Resilience Rating

10 Resilience Rating

Empowered Ametrine

+20 Attack Power


Lucent Ametrine or Resplendent Ametrine

10 Agility or 10 Strength

+10 Resilience Rating

10 Resilience Rating

Etched Ametrine

+10 Strength


Etched Dreadstone

10 Strength

+10 Hit Rating

10 Hit Rating

Fierce Ametrine

+10 Strength

no change

Fierce Ametrine

+10 Haste Rating

Glimmering Ametrine

+10 Parry Rating


Stalwart Ametrine

10 Dodge Rating

+10 Defense Rating

10 Parry Rating

Glinting Ametrine

+10 Agility


Glinting Dreadstone

10 Agility

+10 Hit Rating

10 Hit Rating

Inscribed Ametrine

+10 Strength

no change

Inscribed Ametrine

+10 Critical Strike Rating

Lucent Ametrine

+10 Agility

no change

Lucent Ametrine

+10 Resilience Rating

Luminous Ametrine

+12 Spell Power


Brilliant Cardinal Ruby

20 Intellect

+10 Intellect

Potent Ametrine

+12 Spell Power


Potent Ametrine

10 Intellect

+10 Critical Strike Rating

10 Crit Strike Rating

Pristine Ametrine

+20 Attack Power


Glinting Dreadstone or Etched Dreadstone

10 Agility or 10 Strength

+10 Hit Rating

10 Hit Rating

Reckless Ametrine

+12 Spell Power


Reckless Ametrine

10 Intellect

+10 Haste Rating

10 Haste Rating

Resolute Ametrine

+10 Expertise Rating


Resolute Ametrine

10 Expertise

+10 Defense Rating

10 Dodge

Resplendent Ametrine

+10 Strength

no change

Resplendent Ametrine

+10 Resilience Rating

Stalwart Ametrine

+10 Dodge Rating


Stalwart Ametrine

10 Dodge Rating

+10 Defense Rating

10 Parry Rating

Stark Ametrine

+20 Attack Power


Deft Ametrine or Fierce Ametrine

10 Agility or 10 Strength

+10 Haste Rating

10 Haste Rating

Veiled Ametrine

+12 Spell Power


Veiled Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+10 Hit Rating

10 Hit Rating

Wicked Ametrine

+20 Attack Power


Deady Ametrine or Inscribed Ametrine

10 Agility or 10 Strength

+10 Critical Strike Rating

10 Crit Strike Rating

Wilful Ametrine


Wilful Ametrine

10 Intellect

10 Resilience Rating


Brilliant King's Amber

+20 Intellect


Brilliant Cardinal Ruby

20 Intellect

Mystic King's Amber

+20 Resilience Rating

no change

Mystic King's Amber

Quick King's Amber

+20 Haste Rating

no change

Quick King's Amber

Rigid King's Amber

+20 Hit Rating


Rigid Majestic Zircon

20 Hit Rating

Smooth King's Amber

+20 Critical Strike Rating

no change

Smooth King's Amber

Thick King's Amber

+20 Defense Rating


Subtle King's Amber

20 Dodge Rating

Subtle King's Amber


Subtle King's Amber

20 Dodge Rating


Dazzling Eye of Zul

+10 Intellect


Purified Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+5 Mana every 5 seconds

10 Spirit

Enduring Eye of Zul

+10 Defense Rating


Regal Eye of Zul

10 Dodge Rating

+15 Stamina

10 Stamina

Energized Eye of Zul

+10 Haste Rating


Energised Eye of Zul

10 Haste Rating

+5 Mana every 5 seconds

10 Spirit

Forceful Eye of Zul

+10 Haste Rating

no change

Forceful Eye of Zul

+15 Stamina

Intricate Eye of Zul

+10 Haste Rating


Energised Eye of Zul

10 Haste Rating

+10 Spirit

10 Spirit

Jagged Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating

no change

Jagged Eye of Zul

+15 Stamina

Lambent Eye of Zul

+10 Hit Rating



+5 Mana every 5 seconds

Misty Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating

no change

Misty Eye of Zul

+10 Spirit

Opaque Eye of Zul

+10 Resilience Rating


Turbid Eye of Zul

+10 Resilience Rating

+5 Mana every 5 seconds

+10 Spirit

Radiant Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating

no change

Radiant Eye of Zul

+13 Spell Penetration

Seer's Eye of Zul

+10 Intellect


Purified Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+10 Spirit

10 Spirit

Shattered Eye of Zul

+10 Haste Rating

no change

Shattered Eye of Zul

+13 Spell Penetration

Shining Eye of Zul

+10 Hit Rating



+10 Spirit

Steady Eye of Zul

+10 Resilience Rating

no change

Steady Eye of Zul

+15 Stamina

Sundered Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating


Misty Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating

+5 Mana every 5 seconds

+10 Spirit

Tense Eye of Zul

+10 Hit Rating



+13 Spell Penetration

Timeless Eye of Zul

+10 Intellect


Timeless Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+15 Stamina

15 Stamina

Turbid Eye of Zul

+10 Resilience Rating

no change

Turbid Eye of Zul

+10 Spirit

Vivid Eye of Zul

+10 Hit Rating



+15 Stamina

Lightning Eye of Zul


Lightning Eye of Zul

10 Hit Rating

10 Haste

Nimble Eye of Zul


Nimble Eye of Zul

10 Hit Rating

10 Dodge Rating

Regal Eye of Zul


Regal Eye of Zul

10 Dodge Rating

10 Stamina


Lustrous Majestic Zircon

+10 Mana every 5 seconds


Sparkling Majestic Zircon

20 Spirit

Solid Majestic Zircon

+30 Stamina

no change

Solid Majestic Zircon

Sparkling Majestic Zircon

+20 Spirit

no change

Sparkling Majestic Zircon

Stormy Majestic Zircon

+25 Spell Penetration

no change

Stormy Majestic Zircon

Rigid Majestic Zircon


Rigid Majestic Zircon

20 Hit Rating


Balanced Dreadstone

+20 Attack Power


Shifting Dreadstone or Sovereign Dreadstone

10 Agility or 10 Strength

+15 Stamina

15 Stamina

Defender's Dreadstone

+10 Parry Rating

no change

Defender's Dreadstone

+15 Stamina

Glowing Dreadstone

+12 Spell Power


Timeless Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+15 Stamina

15 Stamina

Guardian's Dreadstone

+10 Expertise Rating

no change

Guardian's Dreadstone

+15 Stamina

Infused Dreadstone

+20 Attack Power



+5 Mana every 5 seconds

Mysterious Dreadstone

+12 Spell Power


Mysterious Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+13 Spell Penetration

13 Spell Penetration

Puissant Dreadstone

+10 Armor Penetration Rating


Jagged Eye of Zul

+10 Critical Strike Rating

+15 Stamina

+15 Stamina

Purified Dreadstone

+12 Spell Power


Purified Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+10 Spirit

10 Spirit

Regal Dreadstone

+10 Dodge Rating


Regal Eye of Zul

10 Dodge Rating

+15 Stamina

10 Stamina

Royal Dreadstone

+12 Spell Power


Purified Dreadstone

10 Intellect

+5 Mana every 5 seconds

10 Spirit

Shifting Dreadstone

+10 Agility

no change

Shifting Dreadstone

+15 Stamina

Sovereign Dreadstone

+10 Strength

no change

Sovereign Dreadstone

+15 Stamina

Tenuous Dreadstone

+10 Agility



+5 Mana every 5 seconds

Accurate Dreadstone


Accurate Dreadstone

10 Expertise

10 Hit Rating

Etched Dreadstone


Etched Dreadstone

10 Strength

10 Hit Rating

Glinting Dreadstone


Glinting Dreadstone

10 Agility

10 Hit Rating

Timeless Dreadstone


Timeless Dreadstone

10 Intellect

15 Stamina

Veiled Dreadstone


Veiled Dreadstone

10 Intellect

10 Hit Rating

Dragon's Eyes - Jewelcrafter Only


Bold Dragon's Eye

+34 Strength

no change

Bold Dragon's Eye


Bright Dragon's Eye

+68 Attack Power


Bold Dragon's Eye or Delicate Dragon's Eye

34 Strength or 34 Agility


Brilliant Dragon's Eye

+34 Intellect

no change

Brilliant Dragon's Eye


Delicate Dragon's Eye

+34 Agility

no change

Delicate Dragon's Eye


Flashing Dragon's Eye

+34 Parry Rating

no change

Flashing Dragon's Eye


Fractured Dragon's Eye

+34 Armor Penetration Rating


Smooth Dragon's Eye

34 Critical Strike Rating


Lustrous Dragon's Eye

+20 Mana every 5 seconds


Sparkling Dragon's Eye

34 Spirit


Mystic Dragon's Eye

+34 Resilience Rating

no change

Mystic Dragon's Eye


Precise Dragon's Eye

+34 Expertise Rating

no change

Precise Dragon's Eye


Quick Dragon's Eye

+34 Haste Rating

no change

Quick Dragon's Eye


Rigid Dragon's Eye

+34 Hit Rating

no change

Rigid Dragon's Eye


Runed Dragon's Eye

+39 Spell Power


Brilliant Dragon's Eye

34 Intellect


Smooth Dragon's Eye

+34 Critical Strike Rating

no change

Smooth Dragon's Eye


Solid Dragon's Eye

+51 Stamina

no change

Solid Dragon's Eye


Sparkling Dragon's Eye

+34 Spirit

no change

Sparkling Dragon's Eye


Stormy Dragon's Eye

+43 Spell Penetration

no change

Stormy Dragon's Eye


Subtle Dragon's Eye

+34 Dodge Rating

no change

Subtle Dragon's Eye


Thick Dragon's Eye

+34 Defense Rating


Subtle Dragon's Eye

34 Dodge Rating


Nightmare Tear

+10All Stats

no change

Nightmare Tear

Monday, October 4, 2010

Medical Update and possible leak of the release date for cata ;)

So instead of writing like 50 text messages I figure I'll just post on here. I have an advanced condition of sinus polyps that I ultimately need surgery to take care of. Today, I went to go get a CT scan and have a pre-operation meeting with my specialist. It turns out that the special steroids that I have been taking has done a super job of clearing alot of the stuff out, but theres still alot left. So in about 3 weeks give or take, I will be having an out patient surgery to take care of this mess.

So With all that aside, its been passed around at Gamestop that the big day for the Cataclysm expansion will be December the 7th... *bean spilling sound*

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Must Have for ALL Resto Druids

Big shout out to Keeva of Tree Bark Jacket for making this 4.0 How-To-Tree for all of us. Granted she is completely redoing the guide as new stuff comes out, but this is pretty much a simple plan on pretty much everything you need to know for all the big changes about to hit us.

You can read the guide here

Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Loot


Hello World

So I decided to pretty much necro this blog and kind of change stuff around. I'm thinking it will still be random blurbs and other things I find interesting (lol its a blog right?!?) but, I kind of want to make it to where its focused on playing a druid.

So with all that said... more stuff to come ;)