Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shattering Screenshots

So, I spent the later half of the day today running around Azeroth, checking out the sights and grabbing some screenshots for the lovely Rhoelyn. 5 screenshots where needed, 50+ were taken. People have asked to see more so I figured I'd pop out a few that didn’t quite make the cut ^_^

Enjoy the breaking of the game.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pnut Quickies 3– This Time With Bug Features ;)

You ever have one of those days where you quickly wonder what you drank last? I had one of those days today. We took a group to heroic Blood Princes, and everything started out as normal. Until this happened…
So, if you didn’t notice, or don’t know the fight, those Kinetic Bombs are supposed to just be going up and down, not going through walls and under the floor. Soo much win ^_^… And yes, we did down them Winking smile

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

4.0.3 Madness ;)

So, according to MMO-Champion, if everything goes to plan, 4.0.3 will be coming out tomorrow. This is not the one that blows up the world, but this is the one that sets everything in motion. This makes me think Deathwing is about to start doing his flying around nuking everything in sight thing. If this is true, its time to grab my fishing pole and start hanging out in Goldshire :3.

Also.. phase 4 started today and man... its rather epic
yeah… Open-mouthed smile

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pnut Quickies 2

So I AM still around, its just been really, really crazy lately. I’ve had literally zero time to just sit down and relax, much less blog. But I am here now, and I have a few minutes before the raid, so here is a quickie.

As some of you may know, Tuesday I went into surgery to take care of a nasty case of sinusitis. As an update for the group of friends and family that is following my blog for that reason, went better than was was expected, and I am recovering well. I’ve spent a few days sleeping around the house getting all nice and strong again, and went back to work for the first time today. I am feeling much better, and I am looking forward to meeting with you all down the road to talk about it more.

There has been a lot of things being leaked, released, shown off, and exposed from the expansion that are really quite amazing… One of those being the boomchicken pet. Oh man, if they dance… I’m probably going to be the first ones on my server to have one ;). On top of that, I dont know if you remember that add-on that used to be on curse that changed the game music when you rode on a chocobo mount… Im totally going to make one that starts off the old school batman music for the troll flight forms. :D.

Last but not least, I want welcome all the new viewers… Feel free to make comments and leave notes… and I will answer them as I can get to them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Pnut Quickie

So I thought I would post a rather amusing picture I drew in about 5 seconds that lays out the way we set up for phase 2 on the 10 man Litch King. After I posted it on our guild forums... a few people started dubbing it, "The Rage Donut."

A few things to point out... "Cactus" is a warlock, and the bottom defile is usually on-top of the portal... I just didn't want to cover up my lovely portal design :3.

(I do usually draw better than this *wink*)